You aren’t getting enough important things done. The bad news is that you can’t do it alone. The good news is that when you join ChiroTrust, we will turn your practice around.
Time doesn’t build practices.
Time only comes into play when you are doing everything else right.
So you must be productive.
To master productivity, you must create daily and hourly work week rituals.
Create your rituals, then as long as they are working for you, stick with them. If not, test new ones.
For example, virtually every hour of every day is similar to those of the previous week.
Every Monday is the same and the same thing goes for Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
Once you put careful thought into what’s best done each day, hour by hour, your productivity will sky rocket.
I’ve done this for ChiroTrust and that’s how we get so much done for our members.
If you let others dictate what, when, and how you do what you do, then you’re toast.