Those of you who know me well can attest to the fact that I have sort of a dry sense of humor and that I’m not extremely enthusiastic.
In other words, I’m not easily motivated by hype.
I’m also not into status. Anyone can create the illusion of success.
I’d rather be respected than envied.
Ever since I was a kid, I operated from the outer edge. I’m very observant.
What motivates me is “knowing” and “security”.
For me, I can’t get one without the other.
That’s why personal development is and will always be my #1 interest.
The more I know, the more secure I feel.
So, if you have a hard time getting motivated, especially as it relates to working ON your practice, my best tip would be this…
“School is never out for the pro.”
Read a lot.
Be observant.
Ask questions.
Surround yourself with good people and real winners.
Do these 4 things and you’ll have all the motivation and respect needed to create and attract what is important to you.