Agenda: a list of things to be considered or done.
Do you have one?
I have one.
It’s created every night and specifically designed for the following day.
As for beyond that, here’s my agenda. Just like most agendas, it’s broad and vague:
To continue fix this profession. One office at time.
…and without my daily agenda, it’s extremely meaningless.
Why do I want to fix this profession?
- Because it needs fixing.
- Because I love a challenge.
- Because I believe that I’m the only one who can pull it off.
Additionally, the best way I can help your practice is by helping other practices.
The best thing that you can do is focus on your practice and to do that, you must take one day at time.
Don’t just work IN your practice.
Work ON your practice.
Get at least one thing DONE a day.
Some days you will see the pay off.
Other days, you won’t.
But with a worthwhile and realistic daily agenda, you can’t lose.