Want to succeed?
Then lead.
Certainly, read and pay attention to others.
But those book authors and/or “experts”, including me, are playing their own game.
You must play yours.
You must lead your staff and to some extent, your patients.
In your world, you must be the leader.
To gain perspective, use me and/or others but at the end of the day, you must be the leader.
More importantly, you must believe that you are a leader.
If this is a problem for you, consider doing these things first…
- Get rid of most of your clothes. Wear only things that make you look and feel amazing.
- Increase your personal development diet.
- Monitor your mood and figure out what makes you feel good. Do more of that.
Create a game you can win then lead with confidence.
…and when all else fails, “Fake it ‘til you make it.”
Over time, you will believe it and then be it.