Not Answering Calls from “Other” Area Codes
It’s possible that a call coming from an area code you don’t recognize is a salesperson but it’s more likely someone who lives or works nearby but chose not to change their cellphone number when they moved to your area because it’s a pain to give everyone you know a new number. Not taking their calls is an easy way to miss out on calls from people just trying to find a new chiropractor — or patients you already have who just don’t call from a local number.
Only Marketing When They Think That They Have To!
Don’t market their practices until the doors have practically closed. JFK said the time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining. Be proactive to reduce your risk of failure in the future — you know, the same type of stuff you tell patients.
Being Overly Sharing with Patients.
If you like doing magic or being a clown or collecting cars as a hobby, that’s great but it’s better to let patients share what’s important to them with you than visa-versa.
Poor Time Management.
Doctors complain why they can’t do X, Y, or Z, usually because he or she thinks that not having enough patients is the reason. It’s merely a byproduct of inaccurate thinking, excuses, and lack of follow through.
Not Supporting Their Own Community.
Make it a point to spend money at locally owned businesses, meet people, be social, give testimonials, and make referrals and recommendations. To paraphrase Zig Ziglar, you’ll get what you want if you give people what they want.