Let’s face it, when it comes to Chiropractic college, Seminars, and Consultants, the marketing and advertising advice is pretty thin.
The technology has changed but the message is the same…
- Chiropractic works
- Your body heals itself
- Subluxations cause dis-ease
- You need to get checked for life
Well guess what, the market has gotten the memo. They know where Chiropractors stand.
You can build your communities and tribes all you want, it doesn’t change the fact that there’s no existing market for the same old message — no matter what pretty face or spin you put on it.
The problem is that Chiropractors haven’t gotten the memo: most people don’t want what they are selling.
…and it’s never going to change, even if Chiropractors agreed with one another and agreed on a unified message.
‘Cause it’s not about Chiropractors or Chiropractic.
It’s about THE MARKET.
It’s about the real world and not the “should be” world.
So, how does all this impact your marketing and advertising?
Or are they one in the same?
Well, MARKETING is everything that you do.
It’s positioning.
It’s reverse-engineering a business and a message that is congruent with what THE MARKET ALREADY WANTS.
That’s why it’s called MARKETing.
Advertising is sensational, pushy, and is always soliciting.
So if I were you, I’d quit advertising and start MARKETing.
It’s simple, to get what you want, you need to give people what they want… What they ALREADY want.