“Any tricks to getting things done?”


Before I tell you “How”, let me explain to you “Why”.

Like you, in my life, I’ve had some awesome and not so awesome experiences.

It’s how we learn.

It’s what being human is all about.

…and while looking toward the future can be fun, it can also create some anxiety.

But you can’t live in the past or the future.

You can only live in the “now”.

That’s why living in the now is so important.

It’s how I get things done.

It’s how I eliminate distractions.

It’s how I feel my best.

It’s the only way I can do what I do.

So if your practice is causing you grief, I promise you that it’s because you are not living in the now.

Living in the now is the only way you will find and/or create solutions as well as drastically reduce depression and/or anxiety.

It’s how to become and stay motivated, energized, and valuable to others.

Now, here are a few ways I stay “in the now”…

  1. I do not multi-task. I stay present. One thing at a time.
  2. I check my emails twice a day.
  3. When I need to get things done, I go into seclusion and don’t come out ‘til I’m done. For me, as it relates to work, “done” is all that matters. “Working on” doesn’t count.
  4. I plan each day the night before (When, where, and how). This is huge. I get a lot done this way.
  5. I keep things in perspective. As a result, most things just don’t and can’t get to me.

Lastly, although it’s a little “out there”, if you haven’t already LISTENED to this audio book, I urge you to do so… http://amzn.com/1577312082

For me, it wasn’t spiritually enlightening as the front cover claims, but it is the best “live in the now” message I’ve ever heard.

Trust me, you’ll get a lot out of it.

About the author

Ben Altadonna

Ben Altadonna is the President of Altadonna Communications Inc., an extremely successful and well-known multi-media marketing and consulting company. Using strategies and systems that he himself has either invented or perfected, Ben consults with start-ups, manufacturers, information marketers, seminar promoters, and consultants of all types on how to increase both revenue and profit by identifying new opportunities and by looking at virtually every aspect of their product, market, and marketing from his unique perspective. Connect with Ben Altadonna online Google+

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By Ben Altadonna

About Author

Ben Altadonna

Ben Altadonna is the President of Altadonna Communications Inc., an extremely successful and well-known multi-media marketing and consulting company. Using strategies and systems that he himself has either invented or perfected, Ben consults with start-ups, manufacturers, information marketers, seminar promoters, and consultants of all types on how to increase both revenue and profit by identifying new opportunities and by looking at virtually every aspect of their product, market, and marketing from his unique perspective. Connect with Ben Altadonna online Google+