ChiroTrust is about creating massive demand without selling, discounting, defending, or having to be open 5-7 days a week.
We are also about attracting only the right patients: Patients who already want what we have to offer.
…and the members who take advantage of everything ChiroTrust creates and does for them sooner or later ask this question:
“But what if a new patient has to wait?”
My answer is…
Don’t worry, they’ll wait… Especially if they were referred in.
Because when the word on the street is that you don’t overcharge or over-treat and get people feeling better fast, they will gladly wait their turn.
A full reception room is the best advertising there is.
People go where people go.
It’s called “social proof”.
It’s why there are always long lines outside the best restaurant, ice cream parlor, barber shop, etc..
So don’t worry about patients waiting because if they are, chances are, you’re doing the right things right.