Here’s a huge tip: Go Deep, Not Wide.
Too many businesses, including Chiropractic offices, make the mistake of believing everyone is a potential customer.
No matter how many products and services you offer, no matter how many benefits accompany these products and services, EVERYONE IS NOT a potential customer, client, or patient… EVEN IF everyone could benefit!
For example, many years ago I heard a once popular Chiropractic consultant say something like…. “You want to build your practice? …Then go after the 85% who’ve never been to a Chiropractor before!”
Sure, it sounds good but there is a REASON why most people don’t currently go to Chiropractors and it’s NOT because they aren’t educated about Chiropractic.
Trust me, they don’t go because either someone shared a horror story with them or they got the memo that Chiropractors want you to continue with care forever.
Listen, “Forever Care” is valid but there is NO market for it.
The reason why there are virtually no Chiropractors on the planet running 100% “wellness” practices is because there is NO market for it.
There is a market for selling the dream to Chiropractors. That’s about it.
Embrace reality.
Go deep in “what patients want.”
Go deep in “maintaining proper communication with your past and current patients.”
You want lifetime patients?
Give them what they want…
How they want it… and…
When they want it. (Within your Monday-Thursday work schedule.)
Plug all of them into the ChiroTrust system.
Not only will they come back, they will refer others.
You’ll never have to “sell” again.
…and you’ll be building a stress-free, low-overhead, simple, fulfilling, and profitable business… built not on short-term shallow transactions, but on deep long-term relationships.