Wake up call!
This is your life… Are you living it or just getting through it?
We all (me included) can get caught in the “Ground Hog Day” trap of uninspiring habits, rituals, and routines… or even worse, uninspiring thoughts and perspectives.
A life of envy, searching, and second guessing.
That’s not how to succeed in Chiropractic.
That is why ChiroTrust has instituted a 4-day work week system… to support a balanced life which will in turn, create the fertile ground for thinking, working, and playing.
It doesn’t matter if you are struggling in practice or if you’re a human money printing machine, a weekly 3-day weekend improves everything.
It’s counterintuitive but true.
So today, give yourself permission to carve out Fridays through Sunday to spend more time with your friends, your spouse, your significant other, your kids, your mom, your dad, and yourself.
Shouldn’t that a big part of “WHY” we work?